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时间:2022-10-22 10:25:05 来源:网友投稿




Abstract China is the largest apple producer in the world. As a species of major commercial fruit tree, apple (Malus pumila) occupies the largest cultivation area and production in China, and played a significant role in improving agriculture structure, increasing farmers’ income and developing rural economy. In recent years, the outbreak and prevalence of Glomerella leaf spot (GLS) in a wide range of apple producing area in China have caused the leaf abscission and fruit rot of some apple varieties, which weakened the tree vigor and lead to decline in apple production, even resulted in no yield in the next year. Thus, GLS has an enormous impact on apple output and quality, and has seriously restricted the healthy and sustainable development of apple industry. Here we introduced the latest research progresses of GLS in three aspects: etiology research, infection mechanism as well as disease resistance mechanism and prevention strategies in order to have a deep understanding of this disease and discuss the idea and measure of the molecular pathogenesis research. The results of this research will provide important references for the research and development of effective fungicides and the optimization of management measures, and the new insights into the disease control of GLS and the breeding of disease-resistant cultivars to promote the healthy development of apple industry.

Keywords Apple; Glomerella leaf spot; Etiology; Infection mechanism; Prevention strategy; Research progress

蘋果(Malus pumila)在世界范围内均有种植。2016年全世界苹果种植面积约为5 293 341 hm2,总产量达到89 329 182 t。中国苹果种植面积占到世界近一半(2 383 905 hm2),产量约为44 448 575 t(Food and Agricultural Organization, 2017)。目前,影响苹果产量的主要因素包括低温时间较短、春夏季多雨、相对湿度较高和病虫害严重等。近年来,苹果炭疽叶枯病(Glomerella leaf spot,GLS)在包括中国在内的世界各苹果产区大范围爆发和流行,对苹果产量和品质均造成巨大影响,严重制约苹果产业健康可持续发展。该病害是由围小丛壳(Glomerella cingulata,有性态为炭疽菌属Colletotrichum spp.)侵染引起的,主要侵染苹果叶片,使叶片产生黑褐色病斑,最终干枯脱落,也会在夏季侵染果实造成果面的小型坏死斑点。

1988年,巴西巴拿马地区在两个苹果栽培品种‘金冠’和‘嘎啦’上发现一新型叶斑病害,经分离鉴定判断其病原菌为G. cingulata[1-3],这是GLS首次被发现并报道 。1997—1999年,由于敏感品种广泛种植和粗放的管理模式,巴西的六个苹果种植区域均发生GLS, GLS迅速成为影响巴西苹果生产的主要问题[4, 5]。美国在1998年发现GLS的发生[2, 3]。2011年8月,江苏省丰县地区三个苹果栽培品种‘嘎啦’、‘金冠’和‘青冠’也发生GLS[6]。该病害在各种植品种间存在较大差异,‘金冠’系列,尤其是‘嘎啦’对GLS非常敏感,而‘蛇果’系列像‘富士’则为抗病品种[7]。

推荐访问: 炭疽 研究进展 苹果 叶枯病