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时间:2023-01-15 16:45:06 来源:网友投稿

好看的英语手抄报相关图片1  又到了端午节。每当这个时候,我就想起端午节的粽子。  端午节前几天,妈妈就从市场上买来包粽子的粽叶、糯米、绿豆等,到端午节那天,就把它们拿出来,用水浸湿,洗干净,然后开下面是小编为大家整理的2023年好看英语手抄报相关图片3篇(完整),供大家参考。







  It"s the Dragon Boat Festival again. At this time, I think of the zongzi of the Dragon Boat Festival.

  The Dragon Boat Festival a few days ago, mother will buy zongzi from the market of reed leaves, glutinous rice, mung beans, etc., to the Dragon Boat Festival that day, took them out, soaked with water, wash, and then began to make zongzi. She picked up a few leaves, lay in lists, then a layer of glutinous rice, mung bean, a grain of pork, then add a layer of glutinous rice wrapped mung bean and pork in the middle, then folded leaves, compaction, the flat, folded, the last thread tied up, so a rice dumplings wrapped in their hands.

  After the dumplings are wrapped, she puts the dumplings into the pot, and adds the right water to make it boil. About two hours of cooking, a fragrance of zongzi is wafted out of the kitchen, a deep breath of deep smell. At this point, the greedy I was eager to let mother grabbed from the pot a rice dumplings, whether it"s hot, hot, loose liuxue86.com thread, into his mouth, bite with their teeth, the hot dumplings, sometimes my tooth root, tongue mouth was full of large and small bubbles, though I still wouldn"t spit it out, tastes great!

  Listen to the grown-ups, there is an old story on Dragon Boat Festival. According to historical records, qu yuan, the great poet of the state of chu during the spring and autumn period, was dismissed from his post as an outspoken honor. Saw death; the people displaced, qu yuan by country, and the powerless, in anger, in the fifth, wrote in his as "sand" later, bouldering miluo river body death. After the legend of qu yuan"s death, the people came to the miluo river to pay tribute to qu yuan. The fishermen rowed the boat and pulled him back and forth across the river. Some of the food was thrown into the river, and it was said that the crab crab was full and wouldn"t bite the doctor"s body. Therefore, on the fifth day of may, the custom of dragon boat race, eating zongzi and so on, to commemorate qu yuan. It is a traditional festival and culture of the Chinese nation.

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